I've also posted an optional file that contains all of the toolset mrh files to further edit these heads if you desire. da2_elf-morphs\morph-global - only the em_genfl_zevran.mor file, as my mod does not include an ef_gxa000fl_velanna.morģ) extract the files for my mod into your My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\ directory or equivalent. Note that leaving both morphs in will not harm your game, all that will happen is that whichever loads last will be the one actually displayed.ġ) Begin by downloading and installing the original "elf update" mod from Ģ) Navigate to where the mod is installed and delete the following: There is some overlap between my mod and that one, and you'll need to decide which head morphs you'd rather use between the two of them (overlaps include Ostagar and Lothering files, Berwick in Redcliffe, possibly some others). These are basically every elf I could locate in the vanilla extract files, but DOES NOT include any of the elves in DLCs, for which I suggest you grab danexuslurker's excellent " Ferelden Elves" mod. This was reasonably successful with Marethari and not quite as good with Merrill.

Marethari and Merrill in the Dalish elf origin files have been edited to resemble their DA2 counterparts. In the process I also fixed three mages in the Mage Origin that were set up to be elves originally, but then put in-game as humans instead, to be elves after all. The only hair changes have been to other vanilla hairs I have modified the hair colours, tattoos and/or tattoo colours, skin colours and eye colours of a handful of elves (mainly to keep myself sane while making repetitive edits to 194 heads *twitches*). And it missed a few elves, such as the elves in Lothering.įor this mod I used the facial-structure changes part of TMP's mod to re-edit 194 vanilla elven head morphs to match the DA2 facial structure, while retaining the original range of skintones and hair colours.

There's only one thing I didn't like about it this included making all elves pale-skinned.

TMP7704 did a great mod that brings the DA2 elven changes of facial structure and body type over into DA:O (available here).